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CCP Games Shanghai Hiring: DBA

  •   horace · 2012-02-20 14:24:31 +08:00 · 2564 次点击
    这是一个创建于 4596 天前的主题,其中的信息可能已经有所发展或是发生改变。
    Database Administrator

    CCP is looking for a qualified Database Administrator who likes working in a casual, dynamic environment surrounded by imaginative people in the computer gaming industry. This position requires the highest level of integrity and trustworthiness in handling confidential information and situations, as well as the ability to concurrently manage various tasks with competing deadlines.


     Implementing, maintaining and optimizing CCP's production game-cluster databases and development databases (majorly running on SQL Server 2008 / R2).
     Provide technical and architectural directions on database operation best practice and performance tuning.
     Work with outside consultants / vendors on requirement analysis, design and support.
     Provide database related consultancy to CCP game development teams and other teams.
     Participate in IT projects that need to have database expertise presence.
     Overtime work may be required depending on the global team workload.
     This position may require some travel.


     Fluent in both oral and written English.
     Minimum 2~3 years’ experience specialized in enterprise database administration.
     Minimum 4 years’ experience in IT.
     MCITP: Database Administrator on SQL Server 2008 or other relevant technical certificates are advantages.
     Strong SQL scripting, troubleshooting and performance tuning experiences of SQL Server Database Engine.
     Experience with SQL Server Analysis Service (SSAS), Integration Service (SSIS) and Reporting Service (SSRS).
     Experience with audit needs, operation and maintenance of financial databases.
     2~3 years working experience in Multinational Corporation is preferred.
     Bachelor or above, major in Computer Science/Management Information System or equivalent.

    Please send your Enlgish&Chinese resume to horace#ccpgames.com



    • 部署,维护并优化CCP运营环境中的游戏数据库群集与开发环境中的各种游戏实验数据库。(这些数据库主要运行在SQL Server 2008 / R2 平台上)
    • 提供数据库方面的技术支持,设计与架构的最佳实践操作与数据库性能优化。
    • 与CCP第三方顾问或供应商一起协同工作,提供数据库需求分析,设计与相关领域的数据库运营工作。
    • 为内部游戏开发团队,质量保证部门或其它内部团队提供数据库方面的技术咨询与支持。
    • 作为CCP上海地区的数据库专家,为IT项目提供数据库技术方面的咨询与支持。
    • 此职位偶尔需要提供正常工作时间外的紧急技术支持。
    • 此职位偶尔需要出国出差。

    • 精通SQL脚本编写,SQL Server数据库引擎故障诊断与数据库性能调优。
    • 至少拥有二到三年的企业级SQL Server数据库管理工作经验。
    • 熟悉SQL Server分析服务(SSAS),集成服务(Integration Service)和报表服务(Reporting Service)更佳。
    • 熟悉数据库操作审计需求,对财务敏感类游戏数据库具有运维经验更佳。
    • 至少拥有四年左右的企业IT部门工作经历。
    • 持有微软MCITP: Database Administrator on SQL Server 2008证书或其它相关技术认证优先考虑。
    • 拥有2~3年跨国企业工作经验优先考虑。
    • 具有四年大学本科高等教育学位优先考虑。
    • 具备流利的英语口语与书面表达能力。

    请将中英文简历发至 horace#ccpgames.com



    CCP上海开发游戏项目:DUST 514
    官方网站: http://www.dust514.com
    项目开发博客和专访: http://blog.us.playstation.com/?view=match&s=dust+514&timespan=all

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