
134 天前

团队情况( Team Situation )

我们是一支拥有资深前后端技术能力(技术栈 java ,python ,JavaScript ),ui 设计能力,产品设计能力的团队,团队成员全部来自各互联网大厂,目前空余时间较多,想寻找合适的远程工作机会。
We are a team with seasoned front-end and back-end technological capabilities (technology stack includes Java, Python, JavaScript), UI design capabilities, and product design skills. Our team members all hail from leading internet companies, and we currently have significant amounts of free time, seeking appropriate remote work opportunities.

团队擅长( Team Expertise )

各种互联网应用软件开发设计(网站,app ,小程序),业务方向不限,尤其擅长 AI 应用层开发,对 AI 对话,生图,生视频都有很多实践
We excel in the software development and design of various internet applications (websites, apps, mini-programs) with no restrictions on business direction. We are particularly adept at AI application layer development, with extensive experience in AI conversation, generative images, and generative videos.

希望有需求和机会的朋友联系我,谢谢。 If you have any requirements or opportunities, please feel free to contact me. Thank you.

1015 次点击
所在节点    远程工作
3 条回复
134 天前
132 天前
你好,请问需要 Java 开发吗?如何联系你呢?谢谢
131 天前

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V2EX is a community of developers, designers and creative people.

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