windows 部署 页面乱码

44 天前
首先说明一下, 我是用 java -jar 在 cmd 启动 同样的参数 页面没有乱码 使用 winsw 之后启动乱码 求助各路大神 下面是主要的配置内容同 有没有可能是没有读取到(猜测),我用了<env>貌似也没用


<!-- ID of the service. It should be unique across the Windows system-->
<!-- Display name of the service -->
<!-- Service description -->
<description>system 系统服务</description>

<!-- Path to the executable, which should be started -->
<arguments>-jar system.jar -Dsun.jnu.encoding=utf-8 -Dfile.encoding=utf-8 </arguments>
<onfailure action="restart" delay="10 sec"/>
<onfailure action="restart"
delay="20 sec"/>
<resetfailure>1 hour
</resetfailure><!--OPTION: priorityDesired process priority.Possible values: Normal, Idle, High, RealTime, BelowNormal, AboveNormalDefault value: Normal-->
</priority><!-- OPTION: stoptimeoutTime to wait for the service to gracefully shutdown the executable before we forcibly kill itDefault value: 15 seconds-->
<stoptimeout>15 sec
</stoptimeout><!--OPTION: stopparentprocessfirstIf set, WinSW will terminate the parent process before stopping the children.Default value: false-->
</stopparentprocessfirst><!--OPTION: startmodeDefines start mode of the service.Supported modes: Automatic, Manual, Boot, System (latter ones are supported for driver services only)Default mode: Automatic-->
<waithint>15 sec</waithint>
<sleeptime>1 sec</sleeptime>
<log mode="roll-by-size">

903 次点击
所在节点    程序员
4 条回复
44 天前
<arguments>-jar system.jar" -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8</arguments>
44 天前

另外,为什么要用 winsw 呢?不能直接安装为服务么?
44 天前
@Tumblr 放不了截图哦
44 天前

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