收到 amazon 的 10 美刀 app 专用 Promotional Credit,却毫无消费欲望

2014-10-23 11:15:09 +08:00
昨天收到 amazon 的这个邮件:
Dear Amazon Customer,
As a customer who has recently updated the Amazon app from Google Play, you have earned a $10 credit valid towards apps, games and in-app items. The latest version of the Amazon app for Android now allows you to use a single app to discover and shop for hundreds of millions of physical and digital items. We have added the promotional credit to your account and we will automatically apply the balance of your credit to any purchase of apps, games and in-app items that you make before November 2, 2014 at 11:59 PM PDT. To begin shopping from your Android device click here.
Google 了一圈,了解到这个 Promotional Credit 是在消费的时候才会出现,在账户里并不可以查看到。。
上午逛了一圈 Amazon 的 app 市场,似乎没发现值得购买的。。
6296 次点击
所在节点    Amazon
8 条回复
2014-10-23 12:23:07 +08:00
2014-10-23 12:45:27 +08:00
@legendt 似乎是。我是美区的 play 账号,之前安装过 amazon 的 app,这次估计是按照这个来推送的。
新版的 amazon app 可以购买 app 啦。
2014-10-23 13:09:22 +08:00
上次有人发帖说Amazon app store 部分应用限免
最实惠的感觉就是弄了个oald 8 每天还有其他的限免应用 挺好玩的
2014-10-23 13:23:44 +08:00
@Roboo 嗯嗯。amazon 有 free apps for the day。
2014-10-23 13:51:55 +08:00
@alex321 总是提示“We could not process your order because of geographical restrictions on the product which you were attempting to purchase. Please refer to the terms of use for this product to determine the geographical restrictions.”
2014-10-23 14:59:28 +08:00
@legendt geographical restrictions.....
2014-10-23 15:06:00 +08:00
话说,Amazon现在可以直接在客户端买app,不用下载app store谷歌真的没意见吗?
2014-10-23 15:12:53 +08:00
@aku 我也觉得怪异呢。他这种和酷安的模式已经不同了,酷安是分享平台,他这个是消费平台了。
看 google 的举措吧。我觉得 google 可能会默许。

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