20110707 午夜俱乐部

2011-07-07 02:34:34 +08:00
You never take the easy way
The wind is blowing straight into your face
You never ever close your eyes
For any trouble that may cross your way
There's no risk that you're not taking
Not a mountain that's too high
Spread your wings, You're gonna make it
To the best time of your life

Don't stop at the top
Touch the sky before you drop

You never make a compromise
Your will has got the power that won't break
You never say never to a challenge
That will come along the way
There's no risk that you're not taking
Not a mountain that's too high
Spread your wings, you're gonna make it
To the best time of your life

Don't stop at the top
Touch the sky before you drop

Never stop! Don't stop at the top
4984 次点击
所在节点    天黑以后
1 条回复
2011-07-07 03:56:36 +08:00

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