不超过 1000 行的 PHP 框架 https://gitcafe.com/picasso250/PHP-tiny

2015-02-16 16:31:53 +08:00
So the right way is to proxy composer. But I'd like to chose a wrong way.

I wrote a small framework, which has less than 1000 lines. I'll keep it as simple as possible, also helpful.

If a function can do it, I will not bother a class.
3138 次点击
所在节点    PHP
2 条回复
2015-02-18 08:43:14 +08:00
DB.php, Logger.php, lib.php 这风格,看着头疼
function try_json_decode, function Service 看着也头疼
2015-02-18 12:22:30 +08:00
@Chappako 我来解释一下。首先,我希望尽量简单,所以尽量使用函数,所以函数命名用的是underscore风格。至于说Service,这个函数有点特殊,因为它返回的都是对象,所以也就首字母大写了。
DB因为是缩写,所以使用全部大写。至于其他,都是依照php api的命名规则的。

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