安装 eric6 出错

2015-06-05 07:49:11 +08:00

千辛成苦,安装好pyqt后,想安装 eric6,结果报如下错误 :
Checking dependencies
Python Version: 3.4.0
Found PyQt5
Found QScintilla2
Found QtGui
Found QtNetwork
Found QtPrintSupport
Found QtSql
Found QtSvg
Found QtWebKit
Found QtWebKitWidgets
Found QtWidgets
Qt Version: 5.4.2
sip Version: 4.16.7
PyQt Version: 5.4.1
QScintilla Version: 2.9
All dependencies ok.

Cleaning up old installation ...

Creating configuration file ...

Compiling user interface files ...
An internal error occured. Please report all the output of the program,
including the following traceback, to eric-bugs@eric-ide.python-projects.org.

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "install.py", line 1229, in compileUiFiles
from PyQt5.uic import compileUiDir
ImportError: cannot import name 'compileUiDir'

During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "install.py", line 1548, in <module>
File "install.py", line 1493, in main
File "install.py", line 1234, in compileUiFiles
from PyQt5.uic import compileUi
ImportError: cannot import name 'compileUi'

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2015-06-05 08:33:18 +08:00
see @futursolo

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