刚翻邮件,入手几个月的 VPS 服务商竟然倒闭了,最近烦心事可真多哦!不过测试了下他们推荐的 hudsonvalleyhost Buffalo 机房实际下载速度稳定在 1M/S 以上(上海移动),已入待开通……

2015-08-22 20:53:48 +08:00

Dear Valued Customer,

We regret to inform our GVH customers that we can no longer serve you. The model that the previous company had was not profitable and we can no longer float the debt. At this time the servers are defaulted with our provider and will not be renewed. As a courtesy our provider has given the customers of GVH a 30 day time frame to move their data to a new provider. We unfortunately will not be issueing service creditds or refunds

Hudson Valley Host will be acquiring the dedicated server clients. These clients will receive new client area logins at Hudson Valley Host. Pricing will not change for them.

Hudson Valley Host also would like to extend an offer to the OpenVZ VPS customers. They are offering 55% off for LIFE on any self-managed VPS account or shared hosting account. You can use coupon code: gvh5515. Unfortunately Hudson Valley Host cannot honor the current offerings that GVH did prior and will not be absorbing the VPS and shared customers. If you would like to signup and use the provided coupon you can view their website at http://www.HudsonValleyHost.com.

The current servers will remain online until 9/18/2015. At this time the servers will be taken offline and the data will be purged.

This email only applies to prior GVH customers and the equipment from GVH. This does not apply to previous Hostress customers. Their services will remain online. We apologize for the inconvenience.

Thank You,


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9 条回复
2015-08-22 21:23:24 +08:00
我还接到邮件给我说我买的 VPS 的服务商被我注册过的免费 PHP 空间的服务商收购了
2015-08-22 21:43:13 +08:00
@Strikeactor 还好是月付的,也不算什么损失,上面只跑了一个 ss ,而且提供的优惠码还可以,刚买的 512M KVM 2T 流量月付 2.25 刀
2015-08-22 23:02:38 +08:00
2015-08-22 23:23:04 +08:00
@zts1993 对只有 buffalo 一个机房,先用一个月试试看,延迟在 300ms 以上,不过挂 ss 只要速度可以就行了,延迟是次要。
2015-08-22 23:26:15 +08:00
vps 推荐试试这篇文章的几家,都是我自己用过的,便宜稳定: http://geek100.com/cheapest-vps
2015-08-23 00:24:27 +08:00
@sixdian 刚买这家的 vps,邮件里的 root 密码默认就是账户密码, ssh 登录提示密码错误,有什么办法吗?
2015-08-23 00:29:15 +08:00
@cptike 我的更惨,直接 ping 不通,应该和我的移动宽带有关。你的好解决,要么 svn 登录改密码要么重装一下系统(会生成新的 root 密码)
2015-08-23 00:35:16 +08:00
@sixdian 失误,要么 vnc 要么重装
2015-08-23 00:38:43 +08:00
@sixdian 谢谢,还是直接发 ticket 方便一点
我也是移动,能 ping 通

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