怎么用 brew cask 查看软件有什么版本

2015-09-21 13:28:28 +08:00
想更新 chrome ,在更新前想知道现在有什么版本,没找到命令。

➜ views brew cask search google-chrome
==> Exact match
➜ views brew cask info google-chrome
google-chrome: latest
Google Chrome
/opt/homebrew-cask/Caskroom/google-chrome/latest (218 files, 182M )
==> Contents
Google Chrome.app (app )
==> Caveats
The Mac App Store version of 1Password won't work with a Homebrew-Cask-linked Google Chrome. To bypass this limitation, you need to either:

+ Move Google Chrome to your /Applications directory (the app itself, not a symlink ).
+ Install 1Password from outside the Mac App Store (licenses should transfer automatically, but you should contact AgileBits about it ).
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