招聘 ruby 大神~~i want you !!!!!!!!!

2015-09-25 15:58:35 +08:00

工作地点:浦东新区浦电路 399 号 autodesk
For Autodesk ’ s leading and fast-growing cloud/mobile solution: BIM 360
We are engaged in a long-term project that will have significant impact on
how the business operates. While the skills listed below are important, the
ideal candidate would be someone who is a self-starter and a fast learner.
1 、学历:大专及以上即可,计算机相关专业;
2 、至少 1 年左右 ruby on rails 开发经验,最好熟悉 HTM, CSS, Javascript 等 Web 相关技术;
3 、英语简单读写没问题;
4 、愿意学习技术,富有工作热情,踏实负责。

1412 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2015-10-05 00:57:55 +08:00
How about the salary?

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