关于 Xcode 中 Base Internationalization 的语言选择问题

2015-11-15 22:55:21 +08:00

新建一个项目后, Localizations 里默认 English 为 Development Language ,官方文档是这样解释的:
Base internationalization separates user-facing strings from .storyboard and .xib files. It relieves localizers of the need to modify .storyboard and .xib files in Interface Builder. Instead, an app has just one set of .storyboard and .xib files where strings are in the development language — the language that you used to create the .storyboard and .xib files. These .storyboard and .xib files are called the base internationalization.

但是 Xcode 里好像没法选择这个 Development Language ,比如我想把 Development Language 换成中文这样。网上找到的方法是要修改 .pbxproj 文件。



1887 次点击
所在节点    iDev
3 条回复
2015-11-15 23:14:08 +08:00
2015-11-15 23:29:46 +08:00
@typcn 这样设置了之后 Development Language 还是 English 呀。
2015-11-15 23:32:09 +08:00

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