namesilo 的 Cyber Monday 优惠(仅新购)

2015-11-30 17:30:43 +08:00

We have one coupon available for Cyber Monday:
Code CYBERMONDAY2015REG will discount 10% from any .com registration (not renewal) > order up to $50 in savings. Limit 3 redemptions per customer. Limit 2,000 total redemptions.
This coupon is on top of our already extremely low everyday pricing so please take advantage of the savings before midnight Arizona time on November 30, 2015.


顺便安利下大家都知道的注册 1dollar 优惠码 name 或者 namesilo 或者 price ……

3280 次点击
所在节点    程序员
2 条回复
2015-11-30 17:38:19 +08:00
没啥意思, namesilo 和 namecheap 貌似都没有续费优惠
2015-11-30 19:16:00 +08:00

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