react button bsClass 理解

2015-12-14 19:34:10 +08:00

在使用 react 的 bootstrap button 时看到如下这段文档:

bsClass string 'btn'

Base css class name and prefix for the Component. Generally one should only change bsClass if they are providing new, non bootstrap, css styles for a component.

本人英语比较渣,个人理解上面这段话的意思是:组建的基础 css 类名累和前缀。通常,如果你为组建提供的是新的,不在 bootstrap 的 css styles ,那么你只应该修改 bsClass 。

<Bootstrap.Button bsClass="user-remark" bsStyle="btn-link">{this.props.note}</Bootstrap.Button>

然后在自定义的 css 文件中对 user-remark 进行了装饰。
但是,当我测试这个页面时, console 出现 warning :
Warning: Failed propType: Invalid prop 'bsClass' of value 'user-remark' supplied to 'Button', expected one of ["alert","button","button-group","button-toolbar","column","input-group","form","glyphicon","label","thumbnail","list-group-item","panel","panel-group","pagination","progress-bar","nav","navbar","modal","row","well"]. Check the render method of TestView.

当然,我能读懂这段 warning ,说的是 bsClass 应该使用提供的选项中拥有的属性。 那么,最上面的 Generally one should only change bsClass if they are providing new, non bootstrap, css styles for a component.是什么意思啊?或者说怎么用?我的理解有误?

ps :我知道 react 不建议自己手写 css ,那么成熟一点的方案应该是什么,求各位大神不灵赐教,小弟初次发帖,求指导。

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