git 更新 submodule 到底加不加--remote?

2015-12-23 10:05:14 +08:00
更新 submodule 指令,谷歌上大部分观点是:
git submodule update --recursive

但是我 git 文档却说是加--remote 参数来获取

In order to set up your submodule to be easier to go in and hack on, you need do two things. You need to go into each submodule and check out a branch to work on. Then you need to tell Git what to do if you have made changes and then git submodule update --remote pulls in new work from upstream. The options are that you can merge them into your local work, or you can try to rebase your local work on top of the new changes.

实际情况是加了--remote 就提示获取失败, unable to reach xxxxx ,如果只是--recursive 就提示 already up-to-date ,不知道到底更新成功没?
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2 条回复
2015-12-23 10:34:52 +08:00
不需要,可以使用 sourceTree
2015-12-24 00:29:37 +08:00
@sea516 好的谢谢,怎么看 remote 参数的意思?

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