升级到 Chrome 52,屏蔽 searchdomaincheck 留在 google.com 的方法失效了

2016-07-27 08:47:13 +08:00

升级到 Chrome 52 ,屏蔽 google.com/searchdomaincheck 留在 google.com 的方法失效了

屏蔽 google.com 有效,说明测试用的网址仍旧在 google.com

有没有什么工具能够检测到 Chrome 访问的新的 searchdomaincheck 的网址呢?

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25 条回复
2016-08-13 19:41:53 +08:00
@GoldenPillow 我的 vps 是美国的 但是 searchdomaincheck 返回的还是 hk 不知道是什么原因
2016-08-13 20:07:48 +08:00
@olbb google 判定 IP 错误而已,很多这样的,我两个美国 vps 都判定为中国,跳转 hk
2016-09-07 01:14:13 +08:00
@GoldenPillow 在 chrome policy 中增加 PacHttpsUrlStrippingEnabled false 可以让之前的方法生效
2016-10-27 18:40:09 +08:00
chrome 53 亲测有效:

First do as in the other answer and go to the Search Engines editor. The quickest way is to Right-click on the Search Bar.

You cannot, however edit the default "google.com.xx" entry since the URL part is grayed out. It looks like this:

What you can do is to create a new entry below, call it "My Google" or something, give it any keyword, and enter as the URL string the same string, substituting the {google:baseURL} part with google.com or whichever domain of Google you want.

Then mouse over it, and hit "Make Default".

(Google changes this every so often on Chrome, so you probably want to grab the latest on the original/built-in search entry, and just update the google:baseURL part).

2016-10-27 22:31:04 +08:00
@Bollen 如果这种方法 make any sense ,那之前那些奇技淫巧就都失去意义了。然而一代一代人不懈钻研出一个又一个的奇技淫巧难道真的只是因为闲的蛋疼?


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