A Ping++ driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library.

2016-12-31 12:45:17 +08:00

Omnipay: Pingpp


Ping++ driver for the Omnipay PHP payment processing library

Ping++ is a Chinese leading payment integration service provider, which support various mainstream payment gateways in China, eg. Alipay, Wechat Pay, UnionPay, Apple Pay, QQ Wallet, YeePay, Baidu Wallet, JDPay, etc.

Omnipay is a framework agnostic, multi-gateway payment processing library for PHP. It has a clear and consistent API, and is fully unit tested. This package implements Ping++ support for Omnipay.


Omnipay is installed via Composer. To install, simply add it to your composer.json file:

    "require": {
        "phoenixg/omnipay-pingpp": "^1.0"

And run composer to update your dependencies:

$ curl -s http://getcomposer.org/installer | php
$ php composer.phar update


The following gateways are provided by this package:

For general usage instructions, please see the main Omnipay repository.


require './vendor/autoload.php';

use Omnipay\Omnipay;
use Omnipay\Pingpp\Common\Helpers;
use Omnipay\Pingpp\Common\Channels;

 * Get key and App ID in Ping++ Dashboard: https://dashboard.pingxx.com/
$skLiveKey = 'sk_live_iv5yr1HWLOqHjbjTq1KWLmD4';
$appId = 'app_9SSaPOaDuPCKvHSy';

 * The payment channel you have configured in Ping++
$channel = Channels::ALIPAY_WAP;

try {
     * @var $gateway \Omnipay\Pingpp\Gateway
    $gateway = Omnipay::create('Pingpp');
        'apiKey' => $skLiveKey, // if test key is passed, all transactions will happen in test mode
        'privateKey' => file_get_contents(PINGPP_ASSET_DIR.'/sample_rsa_private_key.pem') // optional, see: https://help.pingxx.com/article/123161/
} catch (\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage();

Create Charge (创建 Charge)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\PurchaseRequest $transaction
$transaction = $gateway->purchase(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'transactionId' => Helpers::generateTransactionId(),
    'channel' => $channel,
    'channelExtraFields' => array( // optional
        'app_pay' => true
    'subject' => 'Demo subject',
    'body' => 'Demo body',
    'description' => 'Demo description', // optional
    'amount' => 0.01,
    'currency' => 'cny',
    'clientIp' => '',
    'timeExpire' => time() + 3600, // optional
    'metadata' => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
    'returnUrl' => 'http://yourdomain.com/path/to/awesome/return.php', // optional
    'cancelUrl' => 'http://yourdomain.com/path/to/awesome/cancel.php', // optional
    'notifyUrl' => 'http://yourdomain.com/path/to/awesome/notify.php', // optional

 * 以下 $response 的方法支持同上
 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\Response $response
$response = $transaction->send();
if ($response->isSuccessful()) {
    $reference_id = $response->getTransactionReference();
    echo "Transaction reference = " . $reference_id .PHP_EOL;
    echo json_encode($response->getData());die;
} else {
    echo $response->getMessage();

Fetch Charge (查询单笔 Charge)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchTransactionRequest $transaction
$transaction = $gateway->fetchTransaction();
$response = $transaction->send();

Fetch Charge List (查询 Charge 列表)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchTransactionListRequest $transactionList
$transactionList = $gateway->fetchTransactionList(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'channel' => Channels::ALIPAY,
    'paid' => 0,
    'refunded' => 0,
    'createdFrom' => 1481116461,
    'createdTo' => 1477723630,
    'limit' => 2,
$response = $transactionList->send();

Refund (创建退款)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\RefundRequest $refund
$refund = $gateway->refund(array(
    'amount'               => '10.00',
    'transactionReference' => 'ch_DaHuXHjHeX98GO84COzbfTiP',
    'description'          => 'Demo refund description',
    'metadata'             => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
$response = $refund->send();

Fetch Refund (查询单笔退款)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchRefundRequest $refund
$refund = $gateway->fetchRefund(array(
    'transactionReference' => 'ch_qDun9KKC0uz9G0KSGKaHKybP',
    'refundReference' => 're_Ouz5GSfv1Gm1S4WzTCaXXPSKs',
$response = $refund->send();

Fetch Refund List (查询退款列表)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchRefundListRequest $refundList
$refundList = $gateway->fetchRefundList(array(
    'transactionReference' => 'ch_qDun9KKC0uz9G0KSGKaHKybP',
    'limit' => 2,
$response = $refundList->send();

Batch Refund (创建批量退款)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\BatchRefundRequest $batchRefund
$batchRefund = $gateway->batchRefund(array(
    'app'          => $appId,
    'batchRefundReference'      => Helpers::generateBatchRefundReference(),
    'chargeIdList' => array(
    'description'  => 'Demo batch refund description.', // optional
    'metadata'     => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
$response = $batchRefund->send();

Fetch Batch Refund (查询单个批量退款批次号)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchBatchRefundRequest $batchRefund
$batchRefund = $gateway->fetchBatchRefund();
$response = $batchRefund->send();

Fetch Batch Refund List (查询批量退款列表)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchBatchRefundListRequest $batchRefundList
$batchRefundList = $gateway->fetchBatchRefundList(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'limit' => 2,
$response = $batchRefundList->send();

Red Envelope (发送红包)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\RedEnvelopeRequest $redEnvelope
$redEnvelope = $gateway->redEnvelope(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'transactionId' => Helpers::generateRedEnvelopeTransactionId(),
    'channel'     => Channels::WX, // only support "wx", "wx_pub" channel
    'subject' => 'Demo subject',
    'body' => 'Demo body',
    'description' => 'Demo description', // optional
    'amount' => 0.01,
    'currency' => 'cny',
    'sender' =>  'Sender Name', // merchant name
    'receiver' => 'Wechat Openid',
    'metadata' => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
$response = $redEnvelope->send();

Fetch Red Envelope (查询单笔红包)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchRedEnvelopeRequest $redEnvelopeTransaction
$redEnvelope = $gateway->fetchRedEnvelope();
$response = $redEnvelope->send();

Fetch Red Envelope List (查询红包列表)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchRedEnvelopeListRequest $redEnvelopeList
$redEnvelopeList = $gateway->fetchRedEnvelopeList(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'limit' => 2,
$response = $redEnvelopeList->send();

Transfer (创建转账)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\TransferRequest $transfer
$transfer = $gateway->transfer(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'channel' => Channels::WX_PUB, // only support "unionpay", "wx_pub" channel
    'channelExtraFields' => array( // optional, different by channel
        'user_name' => 'User Name',
        'force_check' => true
    'transactionId' => Helpers::generateTransferTransactionId(Channels::WX_PUB),
    'description' => 'Demo description',
    'amount' => 0.01,
    'currency' => 'cny',
    'type' => 'b2c',
    'receiver' => 'Wechat Openid', // optional, different by channel
    'metadata' => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
$response = $transfer->send();

Cancel Transfer (取消转账)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\CancelTransferRequest $cancel
$cancel = $gateway->cancelTransfer();
$cancel->setTransactionReference('tr_0eTi1OGqr9iH0i9CePf1a9C0'); // only support "unionpay" channel
$response = $cancel->send();

Fetch Transfer (查询单笔转账)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchTransferRequest $transfer
$transfer = $gateway->fetchTransfer();
$response = $transfer->send();

Fetch Transfer List (查询转账列表)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchTransferListRequest $transferList
$transferList = $gateway->fetchTransferList(array(
    'appId' => $appId,
    'limit' => 2,
$response = $transferList->send();

Batch Transfer (创建批量转账)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\BatchTransferRequest $batchTransfer
$batchTransfer = $gateway->batchTransfer(array(
    'app' => $appId,
    'batchTransferReference' => Helpers::generateBatchTransferReference(),
    'recipients' => array(
            'account' => 'alipay account for receiver',
            'amount' => 0.01,
            'name' => 'receiver name A',
            'description' => '', // optional
            'account' => 'alipay account for receiver',
            'amount' => 0.01,
            'name' => 'receiver name B',
            'description' => '', // optional
    'channel' => Channels::ALIPAY, // only support "alipay", "unionpay" channel
    'amount' => 0.02,
    'description'  => 'Demo batch transfer description.',
    'currency' => 'cny',
    'type' => 'b2c',
    'metadata'     => array('foo' => 'bar'), // optional
$response = $batchTransfer->send();

Fetch Batch Transfer (查询单个批量转账批次号)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchBatchTransferRequest $batchTransfer
$batchTransfer = $gateway->fetchBatchTransfer();
$response = $batchTransfer->send();

Cancel Batch Transfer (取消批量转账)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\CancelBatchTransferRequest $cancel
$cancel = $gateway->cancelBatchTransfer();
$response = $cancel->send();

Fetch Event (查询 Event 事件)

 * @var \Omnipay\Pingpp\Message\FetchEventRequest $event
$event = $gateway->fetchEvent();
$response = $event->send();


To configure your webhooks URL, simply login Ping++ Dashboard, for more information, check out: docs

Code below shows how you can verify whether the webhooks you receive is sent by Ping++:

// Retrieve signature in header
$signature = $headers['X-Pingplusplus-Signature'] ?: null;

// Get the Ping++ RSA Public Key in Dashboard
$pub_key_contents = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . "/pingpp_rsa_public_key.pem");

if (openssl_verify(file_get_contents('php://input'), base64_decode($signature), $pub_key_contents, 'sha256')) {
    // Congrats! This request is from Ping++



The minimum integration for PC payment is simple, first you need to load pingpp.js , then test with code below:

<div class="app">
    <label><input id="amount" type="text" placeholder="金 额"/></label>
    <span class="up" onclick="wap_pay('upacp_pc')">银联网页支付</span>
    <span class="up" onclick="wap_pay('alipay_pc_direct')">支付宝网页支付</span>
    <span class="up" onclick="wap_pay('cp_b2b')">企业网银支付</span>

    function wap_pay(channel) {
        var amount = document.getElementById('amount').value * 100;
        var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
        xhr.open("POST", "http://localhost:8000/test.php", true);
        xhr.setRequestHeader("Content-type", "application/json");
            channel: channel,
            amount: amount
        xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
            if (xhr.readyState == 4 && xhr.status == 200) {
                pingppPc.createPayment(xhr.responseText, function(result, err) {

Test Mode

Pingpp accounts have test-mode API keys as well as live-mode API keys. These keys can be active at the same time. Data created with test-mode credentials will never hit the real payment channel networks and will never cost anyone money.

Unlike some gateways, there is no test mode endpoint separate to the live mode endpoint, the Pingpp API endpoint is the same for test and for live.


Is it compatible with Ping++ official SDK?

Yes. It's 100% compatible with official API.

Why use omnipay-pingpp instead of Ping++ official SDK?



If you are having general issues with Omnipay, we suggest posting on Stack Overflow. Be sure to add the omnipay tag so it can be easily found.

If you believe you have found a bug, please report it using the GitHub issue tracker, or better yet, fork the library and submit a pull request.

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