火炬之光2 Torchlight II Beta Test Open

2012-05-10 13:51:58 +08:00
4607 次点击
所在节点    游戏
5 条回复
2012-05-10 14:08:16 +08:00
2012-05-10 14:24:44 +08:00
2012-05-10 14:26:20 +08:00
2012-05-10 14:29:16 +08:00
2012-05-11 17:37:45 +08:00
TL2 和 D3 区别还是很大的。
Why didn't they release it before Diablo 3 is released and crushes their company?
Runic doesn't see Diablo 3 as a problem for Torchlight 2's existence, for multiple reasons. Here are a few:
1. Diablo 3 is online only and costs 60 dollars, while Torchlight 2 has Single player, LAN, and Peer-to-peer connections, and only costs 20 dollars
2. Torchlight 2 supports mods, with the developer's own tools to be released shortly after the game is released. Diablo 3 cannot be altered in any way without getting a ban for battle.net
3. Torchlight 2 has many more traditional systems, with stat points, skill points, identify scrolls, etc. Diablo 3 has no skill or stat points, has a completely different skill system, and multiple other differences from traditional ARPGs. (This is not saying one is better than the other, only that the gameplay styles are different)
4. Torchlight 2 has only been in production for about 2 years of development time, with less than 35 developers to create, while Diablo 3 has taken over a decade and requires huge teams of developers and budget. This means Torchlight 2 doesn't need to make as much money as Diablo 3 to turn a decent profit.

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