Bose QC35 降级回到 1.0.6

2017-07-26 20:39:15 +08:00

最近入了一个 Bose QC35 固件版本 1.0.6 就没有再管了,看了大量的资料发现 新的固件还是 有 bug 就是噪音消

除不如之前的好。我分享一下看到的方法 降级回到 1.0.6.x 的教程。

OK as im getting private messages asking for help, im gonna just go ahead and write it here.

DISCLAIMER: Please make sure that you understand the consiquences. This may brake your device (did not brake mine though Smiley Happy but i have to warn)

1)Make sure you have the BOSE app installed on your computer (mac/win)

2)Make sure you have Google Chrome installed and set as your default web browser

3)From the app, select "Launch Bose Updater"

4)A page will be opened, wait until it goes all the way through (it says you have the latest FW installed)

5)While on the same page, on chrome go to "Settings" > "More Tools" > "Developer Tools"

6)Go to "Network" tab (on mac it may be launched on Network tab already)

7)Stop recording by clicking on the red round recording symbol.

8)Clear (next button)

9)Start Recording

10)Refresh the page

11)now, go though all those texts which are appearing, somewhere you will find your Token and Device ID. Take a note. (Only take note of the ID and Token, they are part of the long links. do NOT copy anything else)

It looks like:

*you will have your codes instead of "X"s

**whats after deviceID= is your ID and whats after &token is your token:


12)Open notepad and copy paste the link from Trax message (This performs a firmware install part ONLY)

13)replace [remove] with the codes you found earlier (the ID and Token)

14)Open a new tab on chrome

15)Copy paste what you have in note pad and press ENTER. Nothing will happen, just a white page with a line. IT IS NORMAL

16)Wait about 5min


18)Luanch the updater, it must say that your FW is old Smiley Happy

19)Thank Trax and Me


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1 条回复
2017-07-27 13:44:52 +08:00
同志,上个月又更新过了。。。你回家连 app 升级固件吧。。。。。

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