OpenShift Online 2 will remove your applications tomorrow

2017-09-29 10:06:54 +08:00

这里应该有一些童鞋在用 openshift 的家的托管自己的 wp 博客, 昨天检查邮件,才知道明天是最后的迁移时间,发上来提醒一下还没来得及备份的童鞋.

Valued OpenShift Online user,

This is a reminder that the sunset of the previous generation OpenShift Online 2 platform was announced on August 25, 2017. After September 30th, 2017, applications created in Free and Bronze accounts in Red Hat OpenShift Online 2 will be removed.

We invite you to join those who have already migrated their applications to our new OpenShift 3 based offerings, Red Hat OpenShift Online Starter and Pro. You can find step-by-step instructions in our Migration Center to help you easily migrate your OpenShift Online 2 platform applications to OpenShift 3.

If you are unable to migrate, please backup your applications now, before they are removed. You can sign-in here to access your account. If you have any questions about migrating to the new OpenShift Online 3 platform, please reach out to us via our Help Center.

1791 次点击
所在节点    WordPress
4 条回复
2017-09-29 10:54:10 +08:00
Memory 1GiB
Storage 1GiB
已升级 OpenShift Online
2017-09-29 11:13:32 +08:00
v3 free 版好像不能绑定域名吧?
2017-10-02 11:38:53 +08:00
好像不能 cli 不知道可以不
2017-10-02 14:40:19 +08:00
@abmin521 试了试,搭了个 wp 和 MySQL,发现 wp 在 24 小时不访问的情况下就会与 wp 断开连接,再打开需要重新配置 wp 的初始化

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