谁知道 udp ddos 怎么防范?

2018-03-09 07:27:28 +08:00
我最近玩 bgp 被一个老外盯上故意砸我台,攻击我的网络和服务器,关键是这种攻击显示来源 ip 是自己或者自己服务器, 结果被运营商都封禁我,说我攻击他们. 非常郁闷,这种怎么能找到真正攻击来源和如何防止呢? 我在自己 dns 服务器看到来自自己 ip 或者 vps 上的 ip 不断质问 txt 记录,太多线程造成瘫痪,关键是我封禁自己 ip 根本不起作用,所以肯定这是假象.

our DDoS mitigation system detected attacks against your machine, at 13:02, 13:16 and 13:41 GMT today.
Here are our logs of these incidents:

Time: 13:02
Attack method: NTP Reflection
Attack type: udp_flood
Initial attack power: 254562 packets per second
Peak attack power: 254562 packets per second
Attack direction: incoming
Attack protocol: udp
Total incoming traffic: 918 mbps
Total outgoing traffic: 0 mbps
Total incoming pps: 254562 packets per second

Time: 13:16
Attack method: NTP Reflection
Attack type: udp_flood
Initial attack power: 263489 packets per second
Peak attack power: 263489 packets per second
Attack direction: incoming
Attack protocol: udp
Total incoming traffic: 943 mbps
Total outgoing traffic: 0 mbps
Total incoming pps: 263489 packets per second

Time: 14:31
Attack method: NTP Reflection
Attack type: udp_flood
Initial attack power: 279938 packets per second
Peak attack power: 279938 packets per second
Attack direction: incoming
Attack protocol: udp
Total incoming traffic: 997 mbps
Total outgoing traffic: 0 mbps
Total incoming pps: 279938 packets per second
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