ES 添加索引 index 数据时,要过滤 filter 部分数据不被索引,该怎么定义数据模型呢?

2018-06-08 10:13:45 +08:00


The first thing that I need, is to somehow find a generic way to indicate which model and which field or fields in it are to be indexed. I'm going to say that any model that needs indexing needs to define a searchable class attribute that lists the fields that need to be included in the index. For the Post model, these are the changes:

app/ Add a __searchable__ attribute to the Post model.

class Post(db.Model):
    __searchable__ = ['body']
    # ...

例如 Post 数据类里增加 status = private (or public) 这个 filter:

class Post(db.Model):
    __searchable__ = ['body']
    status = private (or public)
    # ...

然后往 Elasticsearch 增加索引数据时,只选择 status = public 类型的 post.body,该怎么定义这个数据模型呢? (意思是不能把 private 的数据添加到在 ES 里去)

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