[上海静安] 美资公司寻找前端工程师。[Jing’an Shanghai] Front-end Developer Wanted!

2018-08-08 12:05:22 +08:00

我们是一家美资初创公司,在美国洛杉矶和中国上海都有办公室。我们正在创造一个伟大的面向美国市场的 LGBTQIA+ 社区移动应用。

你会和我们的上海本地团队一起工作,总部在威海路 696 号( WeWork 亚太区旗舰店)。我们提供给每个人超级棒的办公空间,除了顶级和有创意的开放式办公装修之外(你可以在一座有数十年历史的老建筑中庭办公),柠檬水、咖啡和生啤都是全天候不限量供应的。在这里你还可以每天认识新的有趣的人,还可以看到很多可爱的狗狗。如果你有宠物,欢迎每天带它来陪伴你。

* 需要你具备一定的英语口语能力(沟通顺畅即可),不管你是中国人还是外国人。
* 我们希望你是一个心态开放,乐观积极和善良的人。
* 全栈工程师更好。

如果你对这个职位有兴趣,请发邮件到 ethankw [at] gmail.com 并附上你的简历。谢谢!

We are looking for front-end developers based in our Shanghai office.

We are an US-funded startup company based in Los Angeles, United States and Shanghai, China. We are creating an amazing LGBTQIA+ community Mobile App focus on US market.

You will work with our Shanghai local team at our Shanghai head quarter located at No.696 Weihai Lu (WeWork APIC flagship). We offer wonderful work space for everyone, includes the most creative architectural designed open office, lemonade/coffee/draft beer free flowing, meet new people and cute dogs everyday. Yes, you can bring your pet with you if you want. We also have competitive salaries and office equipment for you.

* We wish you are Chinese can speak English or expat can speak fluent English.
* We wish you are an open minded, optimistic, kind-hearted person.

If you are interest of this position, please email to ethankw [at] gmail.com with your CV. Thank you!
1626 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
4 条回复
2018-08-08 13:24:30 +08:00
我的宠物是猫,会不会和你们的 cute dogs 打起来. 哭笑不得.png
2018-08-08 22:12:29 +08:00
和这贴一样都是 wework😂 https://www.v2ex.com/t/477752
2018-08-17 10:56:00 +08:00
@blanu 不是同一家 WeWork
2018-08-17 10:56:18 +08:00
@jellyX 没见过人带猫上班哈哈哈哈

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