感觉 Flickr 还是玩不下去了

2018-11-02 09:54:32 +08:00

Free accounts will soon be limited to 1,000 photos or videos. Flickr isn ’ t Flickr without the contributions and participation of our free members, and we remain committed to a vibrant free offering.

*Free members with more than 1,000 photos or videos uploaded to Flickr have until Tuesday, January 8, 2019, to upgrade to Pro or download content over the limit. After January 8, 2019, members over the limit will no longer be able to upload new photos to Flickr. After February 5, 2019, free accounts that contain over 1,000 photos or videos will have content actively deleted -- starting from oldest to newest date uploaded -- to meet the new limit.
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4 条回复
2018-11-02 10:43:16 +08:00
免费的服务, 就没什么是放心.
2018-11-02 10:57:16 +08:00
还是充值了,毕竟 flickr 做的还是不错的
2018-11-05 23:28:34 +08:00
兜兜转转又回到了 1K 的限制,幸好这几年的照片都在 iCloud 和 Google Photos 上。原来 Flickr 上的照片要开始下载 ZIP 包然后上传到 Google Photos 喽
300 天前
@tony1016 现在呢?

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