consul 使用 ACL 后一直出问题?

2018-11-13 09:03:39 +08:00


这个我的配置文件,acl_master_token已经设置了,应用我是跑在 docker 里的

    "datacenter": "dc1",
    "data_dir": "/consul/data",
    "log_level": "INFO",
    "server": true,
    "bootstrap_expect": 3,
    "acl_datacenter": "dc1",
    "acl_master_token": "fe15af83-d36e-××××××××××××××××××××",
    "acl_token": "54321c",
    "acl_default_policy": "deny",
    "acl_down_policy": "extend-cache",
    "bind_addr": "",
    "client_addr": "",
    "retry_join": [""],
    "retry_interval": "3s",
    "raft_protocol": 3,
    "enable_debug": false,
    "rejoin_after_leave": true,
    "encrypt": "h+TjXojPyignafeO+dCeow==",
    "enable_syslog": false

启动 consul 后发现,

018/11/12 13:28:06 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: ACL not found
consul_1_aa055051bff7 |     2018/11/12 13:28:07 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: ACL not found
consul_1_aa055051bff7 |     2018/11/12 13:28:24 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: ACL not found
consul_1_aa055051bff7 |     2018/11/12 13:28:34 [ERR] agent: failed to sync remote state: ACL not found
consul_1_aa055051bff7 |     2018/11/12 13:28:47 [ERR] agent: Coordinate update error: ACL not found

似乎是 ACL 没有设置正确,但是acl_token我也配置了

consul 版本是 1.3

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