所有英特尔处理器面临新的 Spoiler 攻击

2019-03-06 15:23:18 +08:00

https://www.solidot.org/story?sid=59784 又单单是 Intel

Intel 回应了:

"Intel received notice of this research, and we expect that software can be protected against such issues by employing side channel safe software development practices. This includes avoiding control flows that are dependent on the data of interest. We likewise expect that DRAM modules mitigated against Rowhammer style attacks remain protected. Protecting our customers and their data continues to be a critical priority for us and we appreciate the efforts of the security community for their ongoing research."

可以使用软件方法回避,不知道会不会影响性能。我自己的笔记本已经加了 spectre_v2=off nopti 参数。

5069 次点击
所在节点    Intel
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