有 alpharacks 的工友没?

2019-06-02 09:40:05 +08:00
它家服务器已经挂了几个礼拜了,没有恢复迹象。。。之前它还收购 woothosting 来着
5894 次点击
所在节点    全球工单系统
44 条回复
2019-06-12 01:43:24 +08:00
@yuhuazhu 说清楚你争议的理由,大概就是卖家跑路吧,就行了。
2019-06-13 11:45:45 +08:00

After over a decade in business we regret to inform you that AlphaRacks is officially closing its doors. Given the recent outage that exceeded the provisions and financial capabilities of our disaster recovery plan, AlphaRacks will no longer be providing services. We were a budget focused VPS provider, which did not leave room for additional options financially within our disaster recovery plans.

We have contacted various different VPS hosting companies to attempt to establish a transfer agreement that is in accordance to our privacy policy. In addition, some of the below providers have reached out to us offering assistance / credit for our customers.

Below are other budget VPS providers that should provide you with a suitable new home for your VPS needs:

DigitalOcean - #广告#
Dr Server - #广告#
Altus Host - #广告#
PSK Hosting - #广告#
VirMach - #广告#
We would like to thank our customers for a great decade of your Business and apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.


AlphaRacks Management.


嗨 XXX ( XXX )

经过十多年的经营,我们很遗憾地通知您,AlphaRacks 已正式关闭。鉴于最近的停电超出了我们灾难恢复计划的规定和财务能力,AlphaRacks 将不再提供服务。我们是一家专注于预算的 VPS 提供商,在我们的灾难恢复计划中没有为财务上的额外选项留出空间。

我们已联系各种不同的 VPS 托管公司,以尝试建立符合我们隐私政策的转让协议。此外,以下部分供应商已与我们联系,为我们的客户提供协助 /信贷。

以下是其他预算 VPS 提供商,应该为您提供适合您的 VPS 需求的新家:

DigitalOcean - #广告#
Dr Server - #广告#
Altus Host - #广告#
PSK Hosting - #广告#
VirMach - #广告#


AlphaRacks 管理。
2019-06-14 10:38:04 +08:00
2019-06-14 16:11:11 +08:00
@deepweb 怎么争议啊,我在 paypal 发了,一直没有回复我

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