如何构建一个可以验证移动设备真实性的 PKI?

2019-06-03 22:32:47 +08:00

最近几天在读这篇论文(见下,不知道怎么发链接),论文里第 10 页(原文见下)提到需要一个 PKI 来使客户端确认其他客户端不是服务器模拟出来的,没想到这种 pki 如何实现,想问一下大家有看过的知道如何实现吗?

论文链接 https://eprint.iacr.org/2017/281.pdf 题目 Practical Secure Aggregation for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

“ we assume that there exists a public-key infrastructure (PKI), which guarantees to users that messages they receive came from other users (and not the server).”

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2019-06-04 20:36:18 +08:00

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