[新加坡] 纽交所大型上市互联网公司,需求优秀 Android 工程师,年假多(18 天+6 天育儿假),加班少(没有 996),待遇优。

2019-06-24 16:16:21 +08:00
薪资月薪范围( 3-5 万人民币) 12 薪加 1-3 个月年底花红
新加坡税极低,比如税前 40 万,税后 38 万 3 千多;税前 60 万,税后 56 万多。
公司提供 18 天年假,14 天带薪病假,6 天育儿假,14 天法定节假日。少加班,更好的工作与生活的平衡状态。公司有早餐,晚餐,零食饮料,设施完善的餐厅,休息室,淋浴间等。配 MacBookpro+显示器,互联网顶尖公司办公环境。
要求统招本科以上,985,211 优先,大厂背景,中级到高级到资深都有需求,不限年资

有意可发简历到: sophia.liu@dadaconsultants.com

Software Engineer (Android)

An Android phone is the first internet device for many people in Greater Southeast Asia and our Android apps are the key component for to serve the millions of people. The Android team not only builds great applications with care, but also evolve with trending technologies, refine our practice and strive for excellence.

Job Description

Participate in the full development life cycle from brainstorming to engineering
Explore various topics in the context of mobile app development, including image processing, animation, streaming
Conduct research on trending technologies and advocate within the engineering group

Job Requirements

B.S or M.S Computer Science or equivalent working experience
Carry deep understanding on CS fundamentals
Have hands-on experience with Android development in Java/Kotlin
Own insights on app life cycle, memory management and networking for mobile devices
Act proactively and solve the problem with critical thinking
Communicate with coworkers efficiently in English
(Optional) Experience with React Native
(Optional) Experience with advanced audio/video engineering
1401 次点击
所在节点    酷工作
1 条回复
2019-06-24 17:27:28 +08:00

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