Android APP 使用 百度 SDK ,被 Google Play 7 天 警告 下架

2019-08-28 11:40:18 +08:00
百度定位 SDK v7.9.0
百度地图 SDK v5.4.4

We ’ ve identified that your app is using Baidu SDK, which has been determined to access user or device data for undisclosed, unimplemented, or disallowed features or purposes.

Data from sensitive permissions (for example, IMEI derived from the READ_PHONE_STATE) is being transmitted or read by your app in a manner that is disallowed. Apps may only handle sensitive user data in which the corresponding permission has been granted on that device for that individual app, and where the user has directly consented to that individual app ’ s access and use.

Furthermore, use of permissions (including READ_PHONE_STATE) must be related to the core functionality of your app. If your app does not require this permission, please remove it.

We have also determined that the use of this sensitive data is subject to prominent disclosure (and consent) requirements. Provided your app 1) has core functionality requiring access to READ_PHONE_STATE), 2) never transmits READ_PHONE_STATE (and other sensitive permissions based data) for use in other apps, 3) never accesses Permissions protected sensitive device data in an unauthorized manner; your app must fulfill the prominent disclosure and consent requirements prior to accessing and handling this data. Further, the handling of this data must also be clearly described in your Privacy Policy.
12035 次点击
所在节点    Android
23 条回复
2019-08-29 10:04:34 +08:00

除非你做了一系列的 app 比如说设备绑定之类的
2019-09-16 14:41:36 +08:00
百度 SDK 太坑了,那是不是取消权限 READ_PHONE_STATE,重新提交就可以了?还是说整个百度 SDK 都要去掉?没有权限 READ_PHONE_STATE,百度 SDK 会不会闪退?
2019-10-12 11:42:17 +08:00
@CommandNotFound 调整代码实现.取消了 READ_PHONE_STATE

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