MacOS: $PATH 里有个目录不知是如何添加进去的。 的

2019-09-06 15:51:47 +08:00
fish > set -S PATH

$PATH: not set in local scope

$PATH: set in global scope, exported, with 10 elements

$PATH[1]: length=14 value=|/usr/local/bin|

$PATH[2]: length=8 value=|/usr/bin|

$PATH[3]: length=4 value=|/bin|

$PATH[4]: length=9 value=|/usr/sbin|

$PATH[5]: length=5 value=|/sbin|

$PATH[6]: length=42 value=|/Applications/|

$PATH[7]: length=75 value=|/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/Apple80211.framework/Versions/A/Resources|

隐藏 8 9 10

$PATH: not set in universal scope

几个已知的 Bash Startup Files 里找过了,木有~

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2020-12-03 10:41:08 +08:00
[How to use /etc/paths.d to add executable files to my path?](
[Use /etc/paths or /etc/paths.d to add items to the PATH in macOS Sierra?](

The paths in `/etc/paths.d/` are added to the path by `/usr/libexec/path_helper`, which is run from `/etc/profile`, `/etc/zprofile`, and `/etc/csh.login`.

可执行 `man path_helper` 查看相关说明。

以下为 macOS ZSH 下的 PATH 变量:

$ echo $PATH | awk 'BEGIN{RS=":"} {print}'
# 省略在 ~/.zshrc 中追加在 PATH 前面的配置
# 省略在 ~/.zshrc 中追加在 PATH 后面的配置

前面 5 个为 `/etc/paths` 中预定义的路径;后面 3 个为 `/etc/paths.d` 中配置的环境变量:

$ ls -1 /etc/paths.d/

每个文件里面包含一行可执行路径,被 `/etc/profile` 或 `/etc/zprofile` 执行 path_helper 加载到 PATH 环境变量中:

$ cat /etc/paths.d/40-XQuartz
$ cat /etc/paths.d/100-rvictl
$ cat /etc/paths.d/Wireshark

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