分享一个观点: iPhone as a Service

2019-09-21 19:57:00 +08:00

来自 Stratechey,原文链接

"Not only can you get a new iPhone for less if you trade in your old one, you can also pay for it on a monthly basis (this applies to phones without a trade-in as well). So, in the case of this slide, you can get an iPhone 11 and Apple TV+ for $17/month."

Apple also adjusted their AppleCare+ terms yesterday: now you can subscribe monthly and AppleCare+ will carry on until you cancel, just as other Apple services like Apple Music or Apple Arcade do. The company already has the iPhone Upgrade Program, that bundles a yearly iPhone and AppleCare+, but this shift for AppleCare+ purchased on its own is another step towards assuming that Apple’s relationship with its customers will be a subscription-based one.

To that end, how long until there is a variant of the iPhone Upgrade Program that is simply an all-up Apple subscription? Pay one monthly fee, and get everything Apple has to offer. Indeed, nothing would show that Apple is a Services company more than making the iPhone itself a service, at least as far as the customer relationship goes. You might even say it is innovative.

3276 次点击
所在节点    Apple
6 条回复
2019-09-21 22:55:48 +08:00
2019-09-21 22:58:20 +08:00
2019-09-21 23:07:41 +08:00

就明白 iPhone 11 对消费者是一件好事了
2019-09-22 01:09:29 +08:00
和保时捷那个 lease 有点像?
2019-09-22 01:26:15 +08:00
上市公司 一切都是为了股东 股东说要你就要 哪怕你是乔布斯 大不了就把你换了
2019-09-22 04:11:29 +08:00
I pHONE as a Service 有点意思啊。

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