买了 ACM 的会员,可以看 Oreilly 的所有书籍和视频,真香

2019-12-20 19:02:14 +08:00
16759 次点击
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51 条回复
2020-05-20 19:12:06 +08:00
@accfcx 可以通过这个 CCF 来成问 ACM 会员,然后看 oreilly ?
2020-05-24 10:53:43 +08:00
@accfcx #35 所以现在是 50 + 133 咯? (学生
2020-05-24 10:57:11 +08:00
@shadowprompt 是的,如果真要成为 ACM 会员,可以参考官网的价格,不过好像需要 Visa 信用卡支付?之前我走的是 ccf 的渠道,但是涨价了后面续的话要改方式了
2020-05-24 11:00:01 +08:00
@lane1 ACM 的会费 133,ccf 的学生会员 50,现在可能还不如直接通过它的官方会员购买渠道划算,具体价格多少没注意。可能需要 Visa 信用卡之类。以上仅供参考。
2020-05-24 11:04:46 +08:00
@shibo501c @fredshao 这个问题我还真问过 ACM,原邮件回复:

Three months prior to your membership expiration date you will get a renewal notification from us at **个人邮箱地址**. At that time, you can choose to renew your ACM membership directly through ACM instead of CCF.
2020-07-14 12:55:45 +08:00
Effective Monday, June 15, 2020, O'Reilly Media will no longer offer the following learning formats through ACM's O'Reilly Learning Collection:

Live Online Training
Katacoda Scenarios
Jupyter Notebooks
All books, recorded videos (including O'Reilly conference/Superstream events), and learning paths will remain accessible to ACM Members. If you are currently using content from any of the categories above, make sure to complete your training by Sunday, June 14.

-ACM Learning Center
2020-07-26 20:22:59 +08:00
@lane1 直接在 acm 官网注册(选择中国区学生),一共 19 美元(约 130rmb ) 不用交 ccf 另外那个 50rmb
2020-12-07 11:21:36 +08:00

> All books, recorded videos (including O'Reilly conference/Superstream events), and learning paths will remain accessible to ACM Members.

2021-04-04 12:57:23 +08:00
通过这个方式加入 ACM 会员结账时需要支付 84💲是什么情况?大家有没有遇到过
2021-11-15 19:55:12 +08:00
现在学生会员不能访问 O'Reilly 了 参见网络帖子 https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/416843401
2022-04-07 00:03:26 +08:00
Your ACM Member Number: xxxxx
Dear xxxx,

As of July 1, 2022, you will no longer have to access the O’Reilly Learning platform as a benefit of your ACM membership. Despite our best efforts, O’Reilly Media is unwilling to continue to license their content to ACM for members. Please finish your reading/training by 11:59 PM ET on June 30, 2022. If you wish to continue accessing O’Reilly Learning past this date, you will have to contact O’Reilly and purchase a license directly.

We regret that O’Reilly is not willing to continue providing this service to ACM Members and hope that you will continue to enjoy other benefits of ACM membership, such as our Skillsoft collection (with thousands of online books and courses from publishers such as Manning Publications and No Starch Press), as well as ACM TechTalks, the ACM ByteCast series, and more. All of these can be found in the ACM Learning Center.

ACM will continue to explore new partnerships to deliver additional professional development benefits and other opportunities for lifelong learning.

ACM Member Services


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