关于 MySQL 文档中的疑惑

2020-03-23 21:38:42 +08:00
Since the performance requirements to retrieve and display a BLOB value might be very different
from other data types, you could put the BLOB-specific table on a different storage device or even a
separate database instance. For example, to retrieve a BLOB might require a large sequential disk
read that is better suited to a traditional hard drive than to an SSD device.

1. you could put the BLOB-specific table on a different storage device or even a separate database instance
如何将表放到另一个存储设备 /另一个数据库实例中?
2. to retrieve a BLOB might require a large sequential disk read that is better suited to a traditional hard drive than to an SSD device.
对于需要大量序列磁盘读取的情景, 传统磁盘优于 SSD? 为什么?

可以的话请知道的 dalao 解答一下.
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