求助: 这个 SQL 查询如何写? 谢谢

2020-10-17 20:52:42 +08:00

查询输入表 A(单列单词串):

id String

1 As

2 soon

3 as

4 he

5 see

6 teacher

7 ,

8 he

9 say

10 "

11 good

12 morning

13 "

14 !

查询输入表 B(词组字典)


as soon as

good morning

as soon as

查询输出表 C(找出哪些行有什么词组)

id String

1 as soon as

2 as soon as

3 as soon as

11 good morning

12 good morning


请参阅上述 2 个表格: 我需要在单列单词串中找出词组(词组长度不一, 一般为 2~10 个单词). SQL 查询基于 A,B 表, 查询需输出 C 表, 这个 SQL 该如何写? 多谢指教!!

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1 条回复
2020-10-17 21:24:04 +08:00
select a.id, b.string from a join b on b.string like concat(a.string,' %') or b.string like concat('% ',a.string) or b.string like concat('% ',a.string,' %')

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