注册香港公司如何申请 comodo ov 代码签名证书?

2020-11-04 10:44:33 +08:00

看 comodo 需要的材料

Organization validation verifies the following:

  1. Operational existence
  2. Physical existence
  3. Business phone number
  4. Verify the authority and authenticity of the order

Operational Existence: Your organization's legal identity and/or DBA (doing business as) must be verified and the organization is conducting business operations. Validation uses a combination of your legal registration and other third-party reliable sources to verify your organization.

Physical Existence: Your business address is verified using a combination of your legal registration and other third-party reliable sources in a similar manner as your operational existence is verified.

Phone Number: Phone numbers are verified through reliable third party databases. The phone number that is verified is typically a main business telephone number.

Authenticity of the Order A callback is made by validation to the verified phone number for the organization. A person of authority to request the certificate provides verification that the order was placed for the organization.

第三项电话验证, 但是问了下代办,香港注册公司是不需要电话的, 有成功经验可以指教吗?

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