Everything 更新了,上次更新还是两年前

2021-01-20 22:43:42 +08:00

Friday, 8 January 2021: Version

fixed a security issue with loading urlmon.dll and imm32.dll.

fixed a 4-byte utf8 comparison issue.

fixed an issue with the ETP client skipping space prefixes in filenames.

fixed an issue with connecting to the Everything Service from some devices (eg: a ram drive).

fixed an issue with focus search on activate.

fixed an issue with excluding filenames with 4-byte UTF-8 characters.

fixed an issue with -focus-result command line options.

fixed an issue with \\.\c: service access

fixed an issue with db corruption from duplicated filenames.

fixed a corrupt db issue when re-scanning duplicated files.

fixed an issue with Ctrl + Tab.

fixed issues with starting a rename while there was a mouse capture.

fixed issues with the hide_on_close setting.

fixed an issue with processing command line options from multiple instances.

fixed an issue with copying results to the clipboard.

fixed an issue with using the wrong column index in LVM_GETCOLUMN.

fixed an issue with the es: url protocol.

fixed an issue with Everything holding onto volume handles after RegisterDeviceNotification fails.

fixed an issue with treating unmounted volumes as NTFS.

fixed another crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.

fixed an issue when renaming a file or folder.

fixed a crash with unaligned memory access and some USB disk drivers.

fixed an issue with Everything not showing as an active window correctly.

fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu not working when creating a new window.

fixed an issue with Windows 10 not giving Everything focus from the system tray after opening and closing the startmenu.

fixed an issue with scheduled folder updates never occuring for network drives when waking from sleep.

fixed an issue when permanently deleting folders with really long filenames.

fixed an issue with gathering icons for files with paths longer than 260 characters.

fixed an issue with IPC query returning the incorrect total items.

fixed an issue with hidden windows staying hidden forever.

fixed an issue with rendering negative visible result items.

fixed an issue with saving column positions and widths.

fixed an issue with showing suggestions above the search box.

fixed an issue with context menus ignoring base keys.

fixed an issue with Everything resetting the sort after rebuilding the database.

fixed an issue with accessing offline volumes.

fixed an issue with comparing dc: to dm:

fixed an issue with attrib:d

added autofocus to the HTTP server search box.

added check to see if volumes are mounted before accessing.

added Lite version (which removes ETP/FTP/HTTP Servers and removes IPC)

access denied dialog will now prompt to install the Everything Service by default when Store settings and data in %APPDATA%\Everything is enabled.

start menu shortcut and Desktop shortcut now installed as "Everything"

compiled with /DYNAMICBASE

compiled with /NXCOMPAT

Installer now saves settings.

The installer now installs Start menu shortcuts and the Desktop shortcut for all users.
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10 条回复
2021-01-20 23:19:51 +08:00
我觉吧这种软件,不更新也正常用,更新了,保不齐多几个 bug 。。。
2021-01-20 23:24:39 +08:00
1.2 年来更新了好几个版本。
2.最新的版本已经是:V1.4.1.1004 (x64)
2021-01-20 23:39:06 +08:00
@yyysuo #2 是的,我也记得更新过好几次了。
要说长久。。。还是 Fliqlo for Windows
2021-01-21 00:04:24 +08:00
2021-01-21 00:10:49 +08:00
@yjxjn Listary
2021-01-21 00:22:49 +08:00
@iVeego #5 +1
2021-01-21 14:18:24 +08:00
@iVeego 各有千秋吧,listary 才是真的 2 年没更新了,我都 beta 了快 3 年了吧。当然 everything 、wox 也是在用,最常用的是 wox,命中结果太多的用 everything,listary 主要是上传下载文件时,自动快速跳转到打开的文件夹或者双击右键快速到达常用文件夹。
2021-01-21 17:12:22 +08:00
Listary 操作起来比 everthing 更方便、快捷
2021-02-28 12:02:32 +08:00
不是吧,经常更新啊!最新 1005
2021-03-04 12:39:11 +08:00
everything 还是个免费软件,参考一下有收费版本的 listary🤣

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