eBay 新注册账号被永久封停是什么原因?

2021-02-24 01:35:39 +08:00

因为无聊,注册了个 eBay 账号,注册之后除了设置密码没有进行任何账号操作。在另一台电脑上也登录过(不同的 IP ),可以登录没有被封,之后就没用过了,甚至没有打开过 eBay 网页,几天之后收到下面的邮件:

Your eBay account has been permanently suspended

Hello <UserName>,

Your eBay account has been permanently suspended because we noticed activity that we believe is a risk to our community.

This means the following:

  • You can’t buy or sell on eBay any longer. Any other accounts that you own or that are associated with this account have also been suspended.
  • Outstanding selling fees are due immediately, and any amounts that you haven’t previously disputed will be charged to the payment method we have on file.

The safety of our community is a top priority for us, so our decision to permanently suspend your account is final and can’t be appealed.

If you have any concerns or questions regarding this matter, select Help & Contact at the top of most eBay pages.

Thanks, eBay

虽然本身没想用 eBay,封了也没影响,但是这样永封一个人类个体是因为什么原因。账号没有任何涉及“交易”的操作,难道连“注册”都违反规定了吗?

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4 条回复
2021-02-24 01:56:24 +08:00
"地址填的是华美 Velo 给的 Billing Address,查过是银行的地址"
不懂,通常 Billing Address 是你的地址,银行给你寄送账单的,你填银行的地址是啥意思

使用代理被检测到,有可能被封; 同一 IP (段)下,有人干过坏事,你有被株连的可能性~

一些敏感业务,尤其资产类的,使用公共 ti 子,是个坑,因为你不知道同时用这个 ti 子的人都干了啥
2021-02-24 02:26:02 +08:00
三年前人在国外,用真实的住家地址,真实的手机号,绑定真实的国外银行卡,注册完刚下订单没多久就被取消订单被封号。莫名其妙。过了几天换个邮箱重新注册,15 分钟就再次被封。到现在我都搞不清是什么原因。
2021-02-24 08:04:53 +08:00
@tesiddddd 说明你是坏人。。。。。
2021-02-24 11:11:24 +08:00
你的 IP 被黑了

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