关于 order by 的问题

2021-02-24 21:42:42 +08:00

刚刚看了一个帖子关于 order by 的。。自己手撸了一下,发现自己的知识盲区。。


create table test
    count1 int         null,
    count2 int         null,
    name   varchar(16) null,
    type   int         null

sql1:一个聚合函数 使用别名 order by

select sum(count1) as total1
from test
group by type
order by total1 desc

sql2:两个聚合函数 使用别名相加 order by

select sum(count1) as total1,
       sum(count2) as total2
from test
group by type
order by total1 + total2 desc;

报错:[42S22][1247] Reference 'total1' not supported (reference to group function)
sql3:两个聚合函数 不使用别名相加 order by

select sum(count1) as total1,
       sum(count2) as total2
from test
group by type
order by sum(count1) + sum(count2) desc;

现在我有点搞不懂了,order by 和聚合函数的别名有什么限制吗?
而且我发现好像只有涉及到 +-等这些操作时,会有问题

1017 次点击
所在节点    MySQL
2 条回复
2021-02-24 21:47:16 +08:00
啊。。。我好像懂了。。临时表里面没有 total1+total2 这个字段。。
2021-02-26 14:10:12 +08:00
可以用 MySQL CTE,https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/8.0/en/with.html

with mycte as (
select sum(count1) as total1,
sum(count2) as total2
from test
group by type

select * from mycte order by (total1 + total2 ) desc;

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