TDengine 时序数据库的 NutzBoot 开发实例

2021-03-24 11:24:31 +08:00

nutz 及 nutzboot 已支持 TDengine

基于 nutzboot 开发 TDengine 实例


TDengine 安装及配置

# first fully qualified domain name (FQDN) for TDengine system
firstEp                   wizzer-test:6030
# local fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
fqdn                      wizzer-test

taos > create database test;

Windows 10 hosts 配置

创建 nutzboot Maven 项目

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<project xmlns=""




 * 注意 TDengine 表及字段名都为小写字母
public class Iot_dev implements Serializable {
    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;

    @ColDefine(type = ColType.TIMESTAMP)
    private Date ts;

    @Column("devid") //字段名都为小写字母
    @Comment("设备 ID")
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.VARCHAR, width = 32)
    private String devId;

    @Column("devtype") //字段名都为小写字母
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.BINARY, width = 32)
    private String devType;

    @ColDefine(type = ColType.BOOLEAN)
    private Boolean status;

    @Comment("读数 1")
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.DOUBLE)
    private Double val1;

    @Comment("读数 2")
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.INT)
    private Integer val2;

    @Comment("读数 3")
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.INT,width = 3)
    private Integer val3;

    @Comment("读数 4")
    @ColDefine(type = ColType.INT,width = 2)
    private Integer val4;



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