JetBrains 的下一款 IDE 会是面向哪门编程语言的呢?

2021-06-12 23:11:24 +08:00

Does JetBrains have plans for a stand-alone Rust IDE?

There are no such plans at the moment because we don’t see additional value a separate Rust IDE would bring. It would require almost the same support as we already have for C/C++ in CLion, as well as C/C++ support owing to the widely-used language interop. From JetBrains’ standpoint, a potential Rust IDE equals CLion with the IntelliJ Rust plugin, so it doesn’t make sense to invest resources in developing and supporting a separate product.

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所在节点    JetBrains
1 条回复
2021-06-13 09:43:02 +08:00
当然是 Vim script 或者 Emacs Lisp (手动狗头

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