湾区车联网-上海 office: software engineer(C++, Java , Go),薪水 OPEN,福利赞, 5-8 年工作经验

2021-08-12 14:43:09 +08:00

完全不加班,灵活时间(可以早上 8:00-5:00.也可 9:00-6:00 )

Java/C++/Go 均可(工作 5-8 年最佳)


交通 1000,手机 400,健身 400,宽带 400,实报实销

湾区 office:Uber 一个园区

上海 office:陆家嘴地铁站

(1) Job Description

● Fast prototyping with different tech stacks (C++, Java, Go)

● Build internal and customer-facing tooling to empower better developer UX

● Build tests for components and services to ensure good coverage

● Build microservices in a large scale distributed system

● Build great software in a fast paced, dynamic environment

● Document proposals, designs, APIs, insights, best practices for internal and external sharing

● Own and contribute to CI/CD pipelines, Kubernetes cluster deployment manifests, shared


(2) Minimum Requirements

● Experienced in developing mid-to-large sized software projects with C++, Java or Go.

● Ability to quickly adopt and develop in a new tech stack.

● Agile software development practitioner: test driven development, continuous integration,

continuous delivery and familiar with Scrum or XP.

● You have a Bachelor or higher Degree in College / University sponsored by 985 Project

● Computer Science or related major

● 3-5 years working experience

● English as working language

(3) Preferred Qualifications

● Expertise in one or more of following areas is preferred

● Cloud infrastructure and architecture

● High performance service

● Automotive software system

● You are a polyglot developer (Experienced in developing mid-to-large sized projects in more than one languages mentioned above)

● Good communication skills

● Good command of English

联系方式: daisyzhao@greatconsulting.club

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