瑞典工作机会-High Performance Computing Engineer,至少 25 天带薪年假,免费医疗教育, 480 天带薪产假病假、申请绿卡、家属随行...

2021-08-22 18:42:44 +08:00

Your Role

As a High Performance Computing engineer you will act as one of our internal HPC “experts”. You will ensure the smooth daily operations of our HPC environment and help support our users in the business to ensure that the company gets the most value and performance out of the solution as possible. One part of your role will be to work with our service provider to continually improve our HPC platform. The other part of your role will be to act as one of the internal HPC experts and help users to understand the capability of the solution, show recommended ways of working, help manage workloads, stop/start jobs, prioritize jobs, remove bottlenecks, improve service etc. You will help capture problems and requirements from users & projects in the business, work with other IT resources to find solutions to these problems, identify areas that may become strained or valuable in the future, and appraise & evaluate new technology applicable to existing or potential requirements. And this is only the start of it.


The tasks are divided in both individual work and projects. You will work in a small and agile team with IT colleagues from Sweden & China, as well as interacting with external collaborators, suppliers etc. from across the globe. Your decisions matter and you will be given a high degree of trust and empowered to solve issues to ensure that the business receives the IT services that they need. Your main tasks include:

· Work with technical engineers in the business areas assisting with methods/workflow, application optimization, automation etc to improve the overall user experience and efficiency.

· Assist in developing standards and work with our external providers to implement them.

· Participate in Change Advisory Board (CAB) to propose, review and approve standards, exceptions etc.

· Participate in both internal IT and business projects as Subject Matter Expert (SME)

· Work with our external service providers to assist in advanced troubleshooting, reviewing and signing off Root Cause Analysis reports etc.

Your Qualifications

To be successful in this position you are a Linux native and fluent in Python, and/or other scripting languages. You have experience from working with HPC technologies and are familiar with tools like Docker/Singularity/Podman and PBS/Slurm as well as Ansible or other infrastructure automation tools. It is important that you have a great ability to co-operate with customers, suppliers and colleagues. The ability to handle teamwork and co-operation is an important skill to maintain at a high standard and quality delivery to our customers. You need to be a fast learner and have an understanding of administering an HPC solution in an enterprise environment with a modern approach using “DevOps toolsets”. You will be working with standard and automation, ensure that we have an environment that we can easily monitor and maintain, supporting our developers as well as IT services. Your ability to coordinate, prioritize and handle more than one task at the same time will help you succeed in this.

In addition, we believe you meet the following requirements

· 3+ years of relevant Linux experience

· Experience of HPC environments including network, servers, clients, storage etc.

· Experience with storage concepts such as scale-out NAS (NFS), SMB, parallel filesystems, POSIX, and object storage (to name but a few) is an important asset.

· Experience with parallel computing (HPC/HTC), performance troubleshooting & optimization, and/or operating environments at large scale will be advantageous.

· Communicative and a positive attitude towards customers and colleagues.

· Understand and speak English at a professional level.

· Organized and strive for results and quality.


至少 25 天带薪年假;

️享受等同于瑞典公民的福利,如免费医疗教育,480 天带薪产假病假,照顾生病孩子的假期等;

️Base 斯德哥尔摩、哥德堡、马尔默等主要大城市;

️工作满 4 年可申请绿卡。


如果你的工作合同超过六个月,那么你的所有直系亲属都可以获得工作和居留许可,有效期与你的工作许可一样长。直系亲属指配偶或同居伴侣以及所有未满 21 周岁的未婚子女。当候选人获得永久居留身份以后,直系亲属也同步获得永居身份。原则上,候选人获得工作居留后即可办理家属随行,但是我们通常建议候选人通过了试用期安定下来以后再安排家属随行。 ……

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4 条回复
2021-08-23 03:58:20 +08:00
2021-08-23 09:22:26 +08:00
2021-08-25 17:05:03 +08:00
2021-08-25 21:36:22 +08:00
可申请绿卡跟一定能拿到绿卡是两码事。我在坡县 5 年了也没拿下

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