iOS7 GM 来了

2013-09-11 04:29:49 +08:00

iOS 7 will soon be in the hands of hundreds of millions of customers. Reimagine your app's interface with the clarity, translucency and depth of iOS 7. Integrate APIs for AirDrop, multitasking, games, and camera, as well as new APIs that take advantage of the powerful new capabilities of iPhone 5s.

To prepare your apps for the App Store, download the GM seed of iOS 7 and Xcode 5, test, and optimize for iOS 7. Submit your apps today.

果然iOS 7 GM 来了!
8121 次点击
所在节点    iDev
43 条回复
2013-09-12 06:10:14 +08:00
@txx 国行是不是没有全键盘了?
2013-09-12 07:42:03 +08:00
@zwl2828: 是增加了九宫格,不是没有全键盘。
2013-09-12 09:53:33 +08:00
@xhacker 好奇怪。朋友告诉我 GM 在国行机器上取消了全键盘拼音。

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