Pixel 拨打 911 急救死机,结果是 Teams 背锅

2021-12-10 10:58:33 +08:00


I had to call an ambulance for the grandmother on Friday as she appeared to be having a stroke. I got off a phone call with my mom, and proceeded to dial 911 just by typing and calling on my pixel. My phone got stuck immediately after one ring and I was unable to do anything other than click through apps with an emergency phone call running in the background. This is all while the phone informed me that it had sent my location to emergency services. Sadly I couldn't tell the person on the other end what apartment I was in, or what the actual emergency was as I was unable to speak to a human.

简单翻译:祖母中风,用 pixel 打 911 急救,结果刚响一声就死机了,并且可以复现……


Based on our investigation we have been able to reproduce the issue under a limited set of circumstances. We believe the issue is only present on a small number of devices with the Microsoft Teams app installed when the user is not logged in, and we are currently only aware of one user report related to the occurrence of this bug. We determined that the issue was being caused by unintended interaction between the Microsoft Teams app and the underlying Android operating system. Because this issue impacts emergency calling, both Google and Microsoft are heavily prioritizing the issue, and we expect a Microsoft Teams app update to be rolled out soon – as always we suggest users keep an eye out for app updates to ensure they are running the latest version. We will also be providing an Android platform update to the Android ecosystem on January 4.

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4 条回复
2021-12-10 11:02:29 +08:00
2021-12-10 11:07:29 +08:00
这锅甩的不专业,teams 怎么说也是个用户级 app ,也不应该阻止用户打 911 ,导致手机死机。
2021-12-10 11:17:20 +08:00
and we are currently only aware of one user report related to the occurrence of this bug

2021-12-10 11:28:57 +08:00
下面有回复: Android doesn't consider "making calls" a core OS functionality, it's outsourced into apps. MS Teams is just one of many apps that can take over that functionality, it just happens to be the most sloppily written one.


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