关于 NodeJS 与 Electron 的一些疑问

2021-12-27 11:38:01 +08:00


class ProgramCli {
    constructor() {
        EXAMPLE.create({ }).then(sample => {
            for await (const s of sample.gc()) { // <- sample.gc()方法返回 AsyncIterable 对象
                console.log('gc result', s);
            console.log('sample was started');

const _instance = new ProgramCli()

module.exports.ProgramCli = _instance

主进程 index.js

import { ProgramCli } from './require/program';


/src/require/program.js: Unexpected token, expected ( (15:16)
  14 |         }).then(sample => {
> 15 |             for await (const s of sample.gc()) {
     |                 ^
  16 |                 console.log('gc result', s);
  17 |             }
  18 |             console.log('samplewas started');


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2021-12-28 08:49:11 +08:00
await 所在的 function 必须是声明为 async 的,你这里所在的 function 是上一行的
then(sample=>{ 的箭头函数,改成
then(async (sample)=>{ ,

第二处,await 应该写在 sample.gc()前面
for (const s of await sample.gc()) {

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