DevOps 项目: Terraform, Pulumi, Packer, Ansible, Kubernetes

2022-03-23 16:22:12 +08:00

一个简单的 DevOps 项目,实现用 Packer build machine image, 用 Pulumi 来 provision 服务器和安装 Kubernetes ,创建服务器后 Ansible Playbook 来跑一些常规 package update 的命令

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2022-03-23 16:31:03 +08:00
We would like to create a project that will use pulumi to provision and configure servers.
We will use packer to build the machine image, upload it to s3-like storage then use that to provision the server. The image should have docker baked in. We will also use Pulumi provider to install a RKE cluster.
All of these will codified in pulumi.

We will also use ansible/salt-stack to configure the machine after the server is provisioned, e.g. running some scripts to upgrade linux packages.

The server vendor has provided it's own Packer builder, Terraform provider, and go sdk. But the terraform provider has not been actively maintained. Therefore we need to first upgrade it to the latest terraform version.

The milestones are

- convert terraform provider to pulumi provider
- create a machine image using packer, and upload it to s3 bucket
- provision the resources with that machine image, install a RKE cluster with pulumi
- run scripts (e.g. package update) in ansible playbook on these nodes

All of the process should be codified.
2022-03-23 16:32:44 +08:00
升级 terraform 到 pulumi ,然后用 packer 打出 qcow2 的 kvm 镜像,镜像中包含 ansible ,然后 pulumi 用这镜像安装 Rancher cluster 。
2022-03-23 16:42:26 +08:00
2022-03-23 19:54:34 +08:00
以下均为 CNY 计价, 根据工时推算的.

1. Packer build machine image : 5k
2. Pulumi provrsion k8s cluster: 6k

Ansible Playbook 不属于一次性工作,按照基本功时计费.
2022-03-23 20:26:12 +08:00

还有 terraform 升级到 plumi 的费用呢
2022-03-23 20:50:28 +08:00
@defunct9 你是楼主么?

这个不太好评估 具体取决于你的 terraform 里面有多少逻辑
2022-03-23 21:35:47 +08:00


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