不知道为什么 log 文件突然变成了二进制格式?

2022-05-23 12:47:06 +08:00

你知道你们是否遇到过,文件里有些^@^@^@符号,linux 把文件识别成二进制了,导致 grep 全部失效

1707 次点击
所在节点    Linux
4 条回复
2022-05-23 12:56:47 +08:00
2022-05-23 13:24:47 +08:00
随手 grep --text
2022-05-25 09:01:47 +08:00
@polythene 解决办法有,想知道原因
2022-05-25 09:04:12 +08:00
@julyclyde Other common causes of NULs in a text file are: 1. a process truncated the file while another process was writing it, so the second process's writes suddenly went past the current EOF, so the gap became sparsely allocated all-zero space. 2. The file was modified shortly before a system crash and the filesystem recovered the file's size without recovering all the data

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