码了个新玩意儿, redis 命令行工具集

2022-07-16 12:46:01 +08:00

Redis Tools

Redis 相关的一些命令行工具集合。


  1. rdb 文件快速分析,其他的一些工具有些慢。
  2. redis-cli 的一些命令增强,比如 monitor 支持 pattern 匹配,和命令匹配。
  3. 不需要 GUI 。


  1. 快,分析 4g rdb 文件,目前大部分功能都能在数秒内运行结束。
  2. 流式分析,内存占用低。
  3. 使用 native-image aot 编译,服务器可不配置 Java 环境。



# help
λ rdt
Usage: rdt [-hV] [COMMAND]
redis cli tool set
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  info      show rdb basic information, from aux field.
  bigkeys   search rdb big keys, sort by memory used.
  monitor   like redis-cli monitor command, addition with pattern and cmd
  rdb-scan  like redis-cli scan command, but for rdb.
  keyspace  overview rdb keyspace, based on glob like key pattern aggregation.
  mem       overview rdb memory, memory used, ttl etc.
  scan      wrapper for redis-cli scan command
  help      Displays help information about the specified command

See 'rdt help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand or concept.

# info
λ rdt info test.rdb
redis-ver : 5.0.7
redis-bits : 64
ctime : 1657189488
used-mem : 6541033248
repl-stream-db : 0
repl-id : ee698884a36b7887e773f3fc64036e638be85977
repl-offset : 60360069123
aof-preamble : 0
total keys: 50650641

# bigkeys
λ rdt bigkeys test.rdb
total: 50650641

Biggest String Keys
│ key               │ type              │ mem(byte)         │ size              │ ttl(ms)          │
│ mykey             │ String            │ 7                 │ 1                 │ -1               │
│ 123               │ String            │ 5                 │ 1                 │ -1               │

# monitor
λ rdt monitor redis:// -p foo*  -c set
foo:vv               set        raw: 1657870874.981835 [0] "set" "foo:vv" "10"
foo                  set        raw: 1657870908.429316 [0] "set" "foo" "10"

# rdb-scan
λ rdt rdb-scan test.rdb -p xc_* bp_* -type string | head -n 1

# keyspace
λ rdt keyspace test3.rdb
total: 11111111

│ keyspace                                        │ total                                          │
│ 11:11.*                                         │ 1811                                           │
│ 99:98.*                                         │ 1533                                           │
│ 16:16.*:0                                       │ 2                                              │

# mem
λ ./rdt mem test.rdb
Memory Overview
│ Type                   │ Memory                 │ Number of Keys         │ Top Key               │
│ Total                  │ 0                      │ 50650641               │                       │
│ Value                  │ 12 Byte                │ 2                      │ mykey                 │
│ Zset                   │ 5460 Byte              │ 212                    │ ttttt:tttt:tttttt:172 │
│                        │                        │                        │ 11111                 │
│ Hash                   │ 1.70 GB                │ 50650427               │ asdfasd.adafdasfasd   │
TTL Overview
│ Range                          │ Number of Keys                 │ Percentage                     │
│ Total                          │ 50650641                       │                                │
│ Never Expire                   │ 50650641                       │ ####################           │

编译或下载的 fat-jar 与可执行文件类似。


λ java -jar target/rdt.jar
Usage: rdt [-hV] [COMMAND]
redis cli tool set
  -h, --help      Show this help message and exit.
  -V, --version   Print version information and exit.
  info      show rdb basic information, from aux field.
  bigkeys   search rdb big keys, sort by memory used.
  monitor   like redis-cli monitor command, addition with pattern and cmd
  rdb-scan  like redis-cli scan command, but for rdb.
  keyspace  overview rdb keyspace, based on glob like key pattern aggregation.
  mem       overview rdb memory, memory used, ttl etc.
  scan      wrapper for redis-cli scan command
  help      Displays help information about the specified command

See 'rdt help <command>' to read about a specific subcommand or concept.




λ java -version
openjdk version "17.0.2" 2022-01-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 17.0.2+9-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 17.0.2+9-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

GraalVM 可选

λ native-image --version
GraalVM 22.1.0 Java 17 CE (Java Version 17.0.3+7-jvmci-22.1-b06)


mvn clean package

AOT 编译(可选)


native-image -jar target/rdt.jar

编译结果为当前目录下 rdt 文件。



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