Web3 招聘: Quant Develop Lead -base Singapore or Hong Kong - Global Pay

2022-08-01 12:13:56 +08:00
招聘:Quant Develop Lead -base Singapore or Hong Kong - Global Pay

Job Responsibilities:
1.Responsible for growing the lending business and structured products business.
2.Work with the sales team to develop new business and cross-sell products to include hedge funds, cryptocurrency exchanges and other institutional clients.
3.Responsible for building quantitative trading systems
4.Drive product innovation and understand customer pain points

2. 10 years+experience in the financial industry, preferably from quant trading or investment banking
3. Experience in option products and blockchain is preferred.
4.Fluency in English and Mandarin is required.

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jenny yu | Web3 job
简历邮件: shtech@fintechgl.com
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