M1 MBA 隔一段时间就唤醒一次,包括手动点击睡眠之后

2022-08-01 20:59:47 +08:00

这是唤醒记录, 有嫌疑的地方是 wifi 唤醒和 PID 154 这个进程:

我看了下那个 PID 154 ,显示是蓝牙设备。


蓝牙设备我找了半天没找到怎么在 Monterey 里面关闭蓝牙设备唤醒。好像这个功能被删掉了

2022-08-01 20:45:05.416574+0800 0x873      Default     0x0                  213    0    airportd: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2022-08-01 20:45:05.416633+0800 0x873      Default     0x0                  213    0    airportd: systemWokenByWiFi: System Wake Reason not found
2022-08-01 20:45:05.428313+0800 0x98dc3f   Error       0x0                  107    0    powerd: [powerd:sleepWake] PID 154 is not entitled to set wake reason
2022-08-01 20:45:05.699899+0800 0x98de54   Default     0x0                  0      0    kernel: (AppleTopCaseHIDEventDriver) [HID] [ATC] AppleDeviceManagementHIDEventService::processWakeReason Wake reason: Host (0x01)
2022-08-01 20:45:05.701181+0800 0x98da74   Error       0x0                  107    0    powerd: [powerd:sleepWake] PID 154 is not entitled to set wake reason
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348174+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Checking for wake reason address <private> from <private>
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348205+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348226+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348241+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348257+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348273+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348288+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
2022-08-01 20:45:13.348306+0800 0x73b      Default     0x0                  132    0    apsd: [com.apple.apsd:stream] Found potential wake reason (null)
 ~ sudo lsof -p 154
COMMAND   PID USER   FD      TYPE             DEVICE SIZE/OFF                NODE NAME
bluetooth 154 root  cwd       DIR               1,13      192              688048 /private/var/root/Library/Logs/Bluetooth
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13 15589952 1152921500312788248 /usr/sbin/bluetoothd
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13  2427472 1152921500312656411 /System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/WirelessDiagnostics.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libAWDProtobufBluetooth.dylib
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13  2160656 1152921500312781597 /usr/lib/dyld
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13    46864            23880133 /Library/Preferences/Logging/.plist-cache.W3yDy7Uz
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13   240720             5310531 /private/var/db/timezone/tz/2022a.1.0/icutz/icutz44l.dat
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13    32768            23880179 /private/var/db/mds/messages/se_SecurityMessages
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13    32768              977996 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.paired.db-shm
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13    32768              977993 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.other.db-shm
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13 30399984 1152921500312793260 /usr/share/icu/icudt70l.dat
bluetooth 154 root  txt       REG               1,13   116790            25358071 /private/var/db/analyticsd/events.allowlist
bluetooth 154 root    0r      CHR                3,2      0t0                 337 /dev/null
bluetooth 154 root    1u      CHR                3,2      0t0                 337 /dev/null
bluetooth 154 root    2u      CHR                3,2    0t523                 337 /dev/null
bluetooth 154 root    3w      REG               1,13   111500            25419709 /private/var/root/Library/Logs/Bluetooth/bluetoothd-hci-latest.pklg
bluetooth 154 root    5u      REG               1,13    16384              977987 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.paired.db
bluetooth 154 root    6u      REG               1,13   131872              977994 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.paired.db-wal
bluetooth 154 root    7u      REG               1,13    32768              977996 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.paired.db-shm
bluetooth 154 root    8u      REG               1,13   176128              977992 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.other.db
bluetooth 154 root    9u      REG               1,13   992952              977995 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.other.db-wal
bluetooth 154 root   10u      REG               1,13    32768              977993 /Library/Bluetooth/com.apple.MobileBluetooth.ledevices.other.db-shm
bluetooth 154 root   11     NEXUS
bluetooth 154 root   12   NPOLICY
bluetooth 154 root   13      CHAN              kpipe                              2A7158E6-4F33-448B-1917-FF32865514C[0]
bluetooth 154 root   14u   KQUEUE                                                 count=1, state=0x8
bluetooth 154 root   15u   KQUEUE                                                 count=0, state=0xa
bluetooth 154 root   16      CHAN              kpipe                              4158E61D-1917-4F33-9E85-FF328E2EF10[0]
bluetooth 154 root   17u   KQUEUE                                                 count=1, state=0x8
bluetooth 154 root   18u   KQUEUE                                                 count=0, state=0xa
bluetooth 154 root   19      CHAN              kpipe                              8C7PQ9F2-5F59-561A-A9E8-4F71D5E2EF10[0]
bluetooth 154 root   20u   KQUEUE                                                 count=1, state=0x8
bluetooth 154 root   21u   KQUEUE                                                 count=0, state=0xa
bluetooth 154 root   22w      CHR               31,5      0t0                 685 /dev/io8log
bluetooth 154 root   23w      CHR               31,6  0t69282                 689 /dev/io8logtemp
bluetooth 154 root   24u     IPv4 0x98555077028742f3      0t0                 UDP *:*
bluetooth 154 root   25u     IPv4 0x985550770286ed33      0t0                 UDP *:*
bluetooth 154 root   26u     IPv4 0x985550770286f663      0t0                 UDP *:*
bluetooth 154 root   33     NEXUS
1277 次点击
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3 条回复
2022-08-01 23:32:57 +08:00
2022-08-01 23:42:50 +08:00



2022-08-02 09:37:37 +08:00
实在找不着原帖了,应该是 Logitech Options 的问题,我这边也是这个样子的,卸载了 Logitech Options 就好了。把相关的几个 daemon 都杀掉。

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